European Rural Entrepreneurship Voices -webinaari

22syys13:0017:00European Rural Entrepreneurship Voices -webinaari

Tapahtuman kuvaus

Kansainvälinen seminaari. Seminaarissa pureudutaan siihen, miltä EU:n maaseutuvisio näyttää maaseutuyrittäjien näkökulmasta. Ohjelman löydätte liitteenä. Pääjärjestäjät: Karelia-ammattikorkeakoulu, ProAgria Itä-Suomi, Lapin Amk, ProAgria Lappi ja maaseutuverkostopalvelut.

The European Commission released a long term-vision for the EU’s rural areas in June. We want to continue the discussion and take it this time to the entrepreneurs’ level. Our webinars topic is: How the rural entrepreneurship looks like in 2040 based on the learnings of the European Rural vision 2040. The focus of the is especially to hear the voices of rural entrepreneurs across Europe facing similar challenges and opportunities than the organizing regions North Karelia and Lapland in Finland. 

All the rural entrepreneurs, developers, officers or anyone else who is interested in Entrepreneurs’ Rural Future 2040 are welcome to the webinar!

Please register by 21th of September:

More information:



22.09.2021 13:00 - 17:00(GMT+00:00)
